Five transformational aspirations emerged from the work of the Strategic Planning Working Group, intended to direct and inform the future mission of the church. Each is presented on this website, accompanied by separate videos and Bible studies for deeper learning and reflection.
The aspirations were affirmed by the Council of General Synod in March 2022. They were tested and validated in dioceses and national church ministries, and they were approved as transformational commitments by General Synod in 2023. You are invited to share the videos and materials on this site with others in your parishes, communities and dioceses; feedback is welcome and encouraged.
Invites and deepens life in Christ
As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
—Colossians 2:6-7
In everything we do, may it serve as an invitation for all to begin, continue and nurture their discipleship with Christ. God is our constant, with us through every opportunity and challenge. May the Creator always be at the centre of our thoughts and actions, and may we listen prayerfully for the Holy Spirit guiding us as we seek to fulfill Christ’s mission.
Download the video for offline viewing in congregations and/or other gatherings:
- High definition 1080p (mp4, 1920×1080, 361MB)
- Standard definition 540p (mp4, 960×540, 108MB)
Bible study: Invites and deepens life in Christ
This Bible study accompanies the video exploring the aspiration “Invites and deepens life in Christ”. It is commended for reflection in dioceses, parishes and other Anglican contexts across the country.
Click each section to explore the five transformational commitments

Latest News
A Summary Of Resolutions to Council of General Synod
An update from the Strategic Planning Working Group

How we got here
Read an introduction to the work of this strategic planning initiative, the membership of the planning group and listening groups, and discover our mandate.